Moisture Proof

Item #: QCC-446-4
Availability: In Stock
Usually ships In 1 Business Day
- 92 Units in stock

  • A unique, ready-to-use solvent based protectant for mechanical and electrical equipment.
  • Protects from moisture and prolongs the life of motors and other equipment. Creeps under and displaces moisture in wet electrical systems.
  • Provides a waterproof film that inhibits corrosion and prevents short circuits and electrical discharge. Use where dampness is a problem.
  • Can be applied with a clean rag or sprayer.
  • Protects parts from moisture and prolongs the life of equipment.
    A unique, ready-to-use solvent based spray-on protectant for mechanical and electrical equipment. Protects from moisture and prolongs the life of equipment. Creeps under and displaces moisture in wet electrical systems. Provides a waterproof film that inhibits corrosion and helps prevent short circuits and electrical discharge. Use where dampness is a problem. An excellent product for electric motors and equipment.
    Spec Sheet
    Price: $119.00

