Citrisol Aircraft

Item #: QCC-564A-5
Availability: Out of Stock - 0 Units in stock notify me

  • A combination of Citrus Power and scientific technology designed for use in the Aerospace industry.
  • Meets Boeing Spec D6-17487R
  • A combination of Citrus Power and scientific technology designed for use in the Aerospace industry. Meets Boeing Spec D6-17487R
    This 100% active material easily removes: gum, tar, crayon, fresh paint, tree sap, oil, grease, blood, ink, asphalt, scuff marks, tape residue, makeup, adhesives, asphalt, candle wax, shoe polish, soap scum, bumper stickers. Citrisol has minimal impact on the environment and is safe to use on virtually any surface including: carpets, upholstery, clothing, tile, glass, grills, appliances, vinyl, wood, draperies, autos, boats, fiberglass.
    Spec Sheet
    Price: $299.00


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